

Galax GTX 1070 EXOC Graphic Card Review

Galax GTX 1070 EXOC Graphic Card Review

In any case, even in India its an overcrowded market. The last GPU company to enter in India was Gigabyte VGA. Galax, with a certain exception to a group of enthusiasts, has a lot of catching up to do and it’s going to be difficult. The way I see it, Zotac is a dominant force because of its extended warranty, well-reputed AMP and AMP Extreme cooling & a long standing reputation with its users. In many cases, manufacturers like MSI have the upper hand. Gigabyte VGA manages to stand out every now and then, especially with its GPU gauntlet sorting for the G1 Gaming and its cooling system. Just recently Gigabyte VGA upped its warranty period up to 4 years upon registration for its Xtreme Gaming lineup.Even though the company was formed in 1994, over here, Galax is coming here with a clean slate. Galax really needs to know something that stands out. We’ll check out the GTX 1070 EXOC and see how it is… at HardwareBBQ