Lian-Li PC-K5WX Ebonsteel Mid Tower Chassis Review
We have a couple of Lian-Li chassis to review over the next week and they are both very different. Coming shortly, we’ll have the PC-T60 Test Bench which is a typical Lian-Li chassis, at least in materials used. In today’s review, we will concentrate on the Lian-Li PC-K5 Ebonsteel Mid Tower chassis, which is a very different Lian-Li chassis when compared to the history of their chassis releases, it’s an all steel chassis, for the first time. Lian-Li are not scrapping their aluminium range and going for steel materials, but instead aiming this steel range of chassis at budget system builders, even Lian-Li’s information on this series states “Steel Cases, Lian Li Quality, Excellent Value”… at HardwareSlave
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