It’s a great time to be a gamer. Technology is improving at a constant rate, allowing various video gaming platforms to improve along the way. Processors are able to crunch numbers at an unbelievable rate using less power. They are now aided by equally fascinating video processors that are dedicated to the creation of superb images on the screen. Even the sounds have become hyper real and can be fully appreciated using top of the line headphones. Of course, the games themselves have been enhanced with excellent graphics, engaging stories, and clever game play.
Tag Archive: Video Games
Before PC and Console Games: The Video Arcade
Once upon a time, the only place you could play electronic video games and compete against friends was the video arcade. Simultaneously, home computers and video game consoles were starting to take root inside some privileged households, beginning the decades-long struggle for control over video game outlets. Video games would eventually propel PC and game console platforms into homes at the same rate arcades would close up shop. Based on recent sales and download figures, it seems that more people play games on their mobile phone than PCs, game consoles, and arcades combined. Still, they will always lack the thrill that comes with a personal appearance to the local arcade.
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