

Swiftech H220-X Watercooling Kit Review

Swiftech H220-X Watercooling Kit Review

Is it necessary to present Swiftech? This manufacturer is widely known, if not more, in the world of watercooling. However, the IOA that are now well established have been somewhat neglected by the latter, which, in addition, also experienced some setbacks in the US market if our memory serves. Yet there is there a better manufacturer in the field as Swiftech? Here we are testing the Switech H220X. Technically, it looks different from others because of the presence of a true modularity, since it is completely removable. It is using services of a real waterblock, the Apogee XL, and thus moving the pump at the reservoir. It remains, finally, to see if these are the right choice… at Cowcotland