

VicoVation Vico-MF3 Extreme Car Camcorder Review

VicoVation Vico-MF3 Extreme Car Camcorder Review

According to several studies over the past 10 years if you’re driving in one of the world’s largest and busiest cities there’s a significantly higher chance that at some point you’ll come across an accident or be part of one, if you haven’t already (always compared to driving in less populated areas). Because of that there are several insurance companies all over the world that offer a small percentage off your monthly fees if you happen to have a dash camera installed in your car. Now obviously for the most part a dash camera may just take up space in your car since it can only be used to record your trips but occasionally it can actually come in handy even if it hasn’t recorded an accident (yours or someone else’s). For example roughly 3 months ago my dash camera recorded two guys riding on two bikes stealing the purse of the woman driving the car in front of me (one went on her side to distract her and the other grabbed her purse from the open passenger window). Likewise a good friend of mine came across two guys on a bike that kicked and broke the left side mirror of a car in the middle of the road and then just took off in traffic. In both cases our dash cameras recorded the license plates of those people which in turn we made available to the authorities. Vicovation recently released their brand new dash cameras one of which is the Vico MF3 Extreme Cam Recorder which we’ve been testing for roughly one month now… at NikKTech