

ThunderX3 TGC40 Series Gaming Chair Review

ThunderX3 TGC40 Series Gaming Chair Review

When gaming chairs made their first steps in the market a few years back from a very small number of manufacturers most of my friends and even a few industry contacts thought this was just a passing trend. Today their popularity has reached such high levels that there’s not even a single gaming peripherals manufacturer that hasn’t got at least one (or has no plans to introduce one) in their product catalog. As a matter of fact if you visit any online store that deals in gaming peripherals chances are you will find dozens of models ranging from basic affordable ones and all the way up to some expensive ones that even rival the quality, comfort and support (back and neck) of professional ergonomic chairs. What really makes gaming chairs unique however is their special design and the latest TGC40 model by ThunderX3 which is with us here today seems to do extremely well in that area… at NikKTech