

OZONE Neon M50 Optical Pro Gaming Mouse Review

OZONE Neon M50 Optical Pro Gaming Mouse Review

Whether we like it or not the PC industry doesn’t release serious and highly anticipated game titles as frequently as it did in the past and that’s quite disappointing even more so if you like using games in order to sufficiently test gaming peripherals like we do. Certainly there are always some multiplayer online game titles which one can play again and again like Star Citizen, Planetside 2, World of Warships, Elite Dangerous, Battlefield 1, Dreadnought and others but nothing beats playing a brand new game which you’ve been waiting for years and years to get released. Luckily thanks to Mass Effect Andromeda we did manage to test a significant amount of gaming peripherals like the latest Neon M50 Optical Pro Gaming Mouse by Ozone Gaming… at NikKTech