LifeTrak Zoom HRV Wearable Body Computer Review
By Emily Ladouceur & Olin Coles
Manufacturer: Salutron, Inc.
Product Name: LifeTrak Zoom HRV
Model Number: LTK7M002
UPC: 818603011527
Price As Tested: $139.99 (Amazon)Full Disclosure: The product sample used in this article has been provided by Salutron.
Motivation for keeping fit isn’t the easiest thing to come by. The simplest way to find that motivation is with a fitness tracker. Fitness trackers certainly provide incentive by updating your progress and enabling you to set specific goals. They are definitely becoming more popular also, one in six Americans uses a fitness tracker or some other wearable device. I myself have used a few different kinds of trackers.
They all have similar features; pedometer, calories burned, heart monitor, sleep tracker, watch, etc. They’re great for helping to track the daily habits of an average person or someone beginning a fitness or health regimen. However, most fitness trackers are just too basic for a serious athlete or someone interested in their overall fitness condition. That’s where the LifeTrak Zoom HRV (model number LTK7M002) comes into play. The LifeTrack Zoom HRV will continuously measure heart rate and heart rate variability which helps a true athlete know when to train and how hard to push. It’s the perfect multi-sport fitness tracker and an extremely thorough heart rate monitor.
I prefer to stay fairly fit. I’ll even sacrifice sleep to get to the gym early to beat the crowds. Up until this point, I’ve never paid close attention to my heart rate while working out. I’ve never felt the need because it was just another number, similar to the amount of calories burned. With the LifeTrak Zoom HRV I’m able to track my heart rate while working out, my heartbeat variation or HRV, my activity measurements, and sleep analysis. All combined this information gives a fitness grade or VScore. The LifeTrak Zoom HRV tells me when I should work harder and when I need to take some desperately needed rest time. The LifeTrak Zoom HRV and the Zoom HRV App keep me tuned in a little closer to how my body feels, which is extremely helpful information for an athlete or even someone who is closely monitoring their heart rate for medical reasons.
The LifeTrak Zoom HRV is a thorough but complicated fitness tracker made especially for athletes, as stated on the LifeTrak website. According to LifeTrak Zoom HRV, it is an “advanced, biometric device for serious athletes who want to train smarter.” The additional heart rate monitor tracks beats-per-minute, heart rate rhythms, sleep patters, and exercise to help reveal important training information. It also measures calories-burned, steps taken, distance traveled, and blue light exposure for a complete health monitor. It is an all-around comprehensive fitness tracker.
Features & Specifications
Heart Rate
Real-Time Fitness Scoring
Ambient Blue Light Advisor
Modular Design
Smart Activity Tracking
User Setup (in app)
Water Resistance
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