TP-Link TL-PA9020P AV2000 2-Port Gigabit Passthrough Powerline Adapter Kit Review
Although the very first powerline adapters made their appearance in the market roughly a decade ago and have been covered by media such as ours ever since many consumers (if not most of the people i know) are still not aware of them. Now at first i have to admit that powerline adapters had very little more to offer in terms of performance compared to Wi-Fi but they were more secure and for some people that was more than enough. Today however although powerline adapters are still nowhere near to competing with wired connectivity they usually offer higher and more stable data transfer rates compared to even some of the fastest routers in the market. TP-Link has released quite a few powerline adapter models over the years and for the past week we’ve been using their latest TL-PA9020P AV2000 2-Port Gigabit Passthrough Powerline Adapter Kit… at NikKTech
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