

be quiet! Dark Base Pro 900 Rev.2 Review


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Dark Base Pro 900 Rev.2 Detailed Features

The people at be quiet! built this case with flexibility in mind, while maintaining the wow factor. Modular function is the key to this case’s versatility.


be quiet! has included an assortment of screws, two LED strips (not pictured), 3 velcro cable straps, a pump mount, a fan bracket for mounting an extra fan in the front (with ODD removed), 3 HDD/SSD cages, some extended motherboard standoffs (for e-atx), a double HDD slot cover, a SSD mount for the PSU shroud, and of course a very detailed user manual.


Just like the original Dark Base Pro 900, the Rev.2 has a reversible door with sound dampening material on the door, a removable and filtered front intake, some 5.25″ bay covers, and a fan speed controller. The fan controller slider has two modes, automatic and manual. Automatic allows the pwm hub to be controlled by the motherboard’s signal. Manual allows you to control the fans yourself. The door is held shut by a rather weak magnet. This magnet, while it works fine when the case is just sitting on your table, will allow the door to fling open during transport rather easily. Make sure to secure the door anytime you’re moving this case.


With the tempered side panel removed, we can view some of the most obvious changes to the Rev.2, a basement/PSU shroud and less HDD cages. Now to be clear, you don’t actually get less HDD cage mounting options. Two cages have been combined into one and resides in the PSU shroud, leaving 5 mounting positions available above the shroud. You do, however, get less HDD modular cages. The original Dark Base Pro 900 came with a total of 7 HDD mounts, while the Rev.2 only comes with a total of 5. Additional cages may be purchased directly from be quiet! if you need them.


Here we get a little closer look at the internals of the case. You may notice that there is a large square opening now behind the ODD cage, that will be explained in the next section. Aside from the addition of the PSU shroud and that large square hole, not much has changed from the original Dark Base Pro 900.


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