

CM Storm Quickfire XT Mechanical Keyboard Review


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CM Storm Quickfire XT Mechanical Keyboard Review

By Austin Downing

Manufacturer: Cooler Master Ltd. Inc.
Product Name: CM Storm Quickfire XT
Model Number: SGK-4030-GKCL1-US
UPC: 884102021404
Price As Tested: $89.99 (Amazon | Newegg)

Full Disclosure: The product sample used in this article has been provided by Cooler Master Ltd. Inc.

Cooler Master has a full range of keyboards with various prices and configurations, ranging from the fully backlit, full sized Trigger, to the minimalist ten keyless QuickFire Stealth. Adding yet another keyboard into the fray, Cooler Master has introduced the QuickFire XT, a full size companion to Cooler Master’s very popular QuickFire Rapid. The Quickfire XT is a no frills, full-sized mechanical keyboard available with variety of switches depending on a user’s needs. In this review Benchmark Reviews will be evaluating the Cooler Master CM Storm Quickfire XT (model SGK-4030-GKCL1-US) against its rivals in the very competitive mechanical keyboard market.

I always look forward to reviewing Cooler Master mechanical keyboards with their beautiful simplicity, and the QuickFire XT it was no different. The simple design of the Quickfire XT focuses on primarily being high quality keyboards without all of the extras that many other manufactures seem to think add value to their product.

As with any other peripheral it is important look at the Quickfire Stealth from a well-rounded standpoint, this means using it in a various situations including gaming and from a typist’s standpoint.

Quickfire XT 45 Degree


Part Number SGK-4030-GKCG1(Green switch)
SGK-4030-GKCL1(Blue switch)
SGK-4030-GKCR1(Red switch)
SGK-4030-GKCM1(Brown switch)
N-Key Rollover N-Key in PS/2 mode
Repeat Rate 4 levels (PS/2 mode only)
Interface USB/PS2
Windows Key Lock Yes, both sides
Media Keys Yes (via F keys)
Keycap Puller Yes
USB Cable  Removable, USB A connector
Dimensions 440(L)x132(W)x29(H) mm
17.3(L)x5.2(W)x1.1(H) inch
Weight 1100 g/ 2.43 lbs


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