MSI N760 TF 2GD5/OC Conclusion
IMPORTANT: Although the rating and final score mentioned in this conclusion are made to be as objective as possible, please be advised that every author perceives these factors differently at various points in time. While we each do our best to ensure that all aspects of the product are considered, there are often times unforeseen market conditions and manufacturer changes which occur after publication that could render our rating obsolete. Please do not base any purchase solely on our conclusion, as it represents our product rating specifically for the product tested, which may differ from future versions. Benchmark Reviews begins our conclusion with a short summary for each of the areas that we rate.
The MSI N760 TF 2GD5/OC falls right in line with its expected performance. The GTX 760 is supposed to replace the GTX 660Ti, and that is exactly what it does. In every single test, the GTX 760 outperformed its predecessor, even though it was working with quite a few less CUDA Cores. The extra clock speed and the memory bandwidth help the GTX 760 to come out on top. In quite a few benchmarks, the N760 TF 2GD5/OC outperformed both the Radeon HD 7950 and the even the GTX 670. If AMD wants to keep a leg in this game, they need to show us some 8000 series graphics. At this point, NVIDIA is setting the bar.
I find the MSI N760 TF 2GD5/OC to be very visually appealing. I have always liked the Twin Frozr design and I prefer the look of the dual-fan cards over the reference designs. The red and black of the N760 TF 2GD5/OC works very well and I am a huge fan of the G Series shield. Getting a little picky, I don’t particularly like the extra shrouding on the N760. It covers up the other heatpipes and I like that look. Also, the N760 TF 2GD5/OC is very bulky. It is quite a bit taller than the XFX GTX 660Ti I used to test against.
MSI is well-known for their top-notch construction quality, especially when it comes to their gaming components. The N760 TF 2GD5/OC keeps that legacy alive using MSI’s Military Class 4 components. The solid capacitors will help ensure that this video card keeps on ticking long after you have moved on to another card. As we saw from the heavily crowded back of the N760, MSI is consistent in the cleanliness of their cards as well. The high build quality makes the N760 an easy overclocker.
The N760 TF 2GD5/OC includes a lot of extra features that set it apart from the competition. First off is the Twin Frozr IV thermal design. This cooling feature has been tested and tried and has consistently performed very well, regardless of the GPU it is fitted on. Additionally, the N760 comes factory overclocked out of the box, something you may not find on other GTX 760 video cards. Although the MSI N760 didn’t come with hardly any accessories (door handle signs are getting big now), the included applications help to set it apart. From the auto-overclocking Gaming App to Afterburner, Kombustor, and Predator, there is something for everyone bundled with the N760.
In terms of overclocking, the N760 TF 2GD5/OC was rather impressive. I didn’t spend a lot of time tweaking it through afterburner, but I plan trying some more. I was able to achieve an ultra-stable overclock at 1215MHz through the Gaming App included with the card. That represents a nearly 20% increase in clock speed (before Boost is factored in). Unfortunately, that 20% didn’t translate into benchmark scores. The N760 TF 2GD5/OC only average around a 7% increase in benchmark scores and that average was closer 4% if I take out the Lost Planet 2 results. In the Lost Planet 2 benchmark, the N760 averaged a 22% increase in performance when overclocked. Still, a 20% increase in clockspeed is pretty good, and when newer drivers come out, you’ll likely start seeing even better scores with the GTX 760 video cards.
MSI set the MSRP for the N760 TF 2GD5/OC at $259.99. That puts it directly in the price range of the GTX 660Ti and lower than the Radeon HD 7950. That is a stellar price point. This video card is definitely priced to move. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we saw a rather significant price drop in the GTX 660Ti after this release. It just doesn’t make sense for it to be the same price as or more expensive than a card that beats it every time. The GTX 760 also goes toe to toe with the Radeon HD 7950 and is now less expensive. In my opinion, at $260, the N760 TF 2GD5/OC is an awesome value.
+ Challenges the Radeon HD 7950
+ Support for up to 4 monitors
– Very Skimpy on the Accessories
– High Overclock didn’t translate into Performance
Performance: 9.50
Appearance: 9.00
Construction: 9.50
- Overclocking: 8.50
Functionality: 9.50
Value: 10.00
Final Score: 9.33 out of 10.
Excellence Achievement: Benchmark Reviews Golden Tachometer Award.

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