So here we are. The benchmarkreviews domain was sold, when it should have been techplayboy. There was never more than a few pages of content at Tech Playboy, while Benchmark Reviews had tens of thousands of pages. I am making the most of a terrible situation, one that has been heart breaking after more than a decade of work, and I will not be relegated into a victim. I am moving Benchmark Reviews to Tech Playboy, where our work will live on.
Tag Archive: Benchmark Reviews
Win an Antec AMP SP1 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker from Benchmark Reviews!
Benchmark Reviews has partnered with Antec to award one of our loyal Facebook fans a brand new AMP SP1 Bluetooth wireless speaker. We recently tested the Antec AMP SP1, and was so impressed with performance that it earned our Golden Tachometer Award! This could be your chance to own one (as in SP1) for FREE.
Benchmark Reviews Has Moved To WordPress CMS!
Benchmark Reviews Has Moved! …to a new server, and into a new website. We’ve rebuilt it better, stronger, faster, and with lots more processor speed and system memory to make all those pages load with pep! Back on March 2007 our website was published on the Joomla! (1.x) content management system. There have been many …
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