Tag Archive: 886523300014

Phanteks Enthoo Primo Case Review

When it comes to high-end full-tower cases, a few models immediately come to mind: Corsair’s 900D, Thermaltake’s Level 10 GT, Cooler Master’s HAF-X, and a couple others. There isn’t nearly as much variety for E-ATX compatible cases as there is for cases that support ATX and Micro-ATX motherboards. Perhaps this why Phanteks was keen to release their first case into this category. Enter the Enthoo Primo, A premium full-tower aluminum body case with numerous new features and great compatibility for water-cooling hardware. Phanteks is among the best manufacturers of computer case fans and CPU heatsinks, so one would expect that their genius in cooling innovation would carry over to the Enthoo Primo. It is quite clear that Phankteks aims to make a statement with this new case; It will be competing head on with the already established high-end full-tower cases. Benchmark reviews will take a closer look at the Enthoo Primo (model PH-ES813P) to see whether or not Phantek’s first chassis deserves a place among the very best.

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